Had enough of feeling
stressed, ill, overwhelmed,
depressed, stuck
. . . or _________ ? You fill in the gap.
Or maybe
your body’s telling you something
in the form of a physical health issue.
I’d love to walk alongside you as together we transform your life using the BodyTalk system.
I have a peaceful cabin amongst trees and bird life, where you come and simply relax.
Then your body’s innate intelligence does all the work! What’s innate intelligence? It’s that part of you where you intuition comes from, your inner wisdom you could say.
You get to lie fully clothed on my massage table, when I use a specific muscle checking technique (light touch on your hand or arm) to reveal where communication breakdowns in your body need some help.
Further gentle and safe techniques are used within your session to promote healing. A wide range of factors have the potential to arise, from musculo-skeletal imbalances to an experience you had five years ago that is still impacting on you negatively in some way.
Although BodyTalk was designed as a personal development tool,
Years ago, I nearly hit the wall.
Thing is, I probably appeared like those photos on Facebook, like I was happy and
coping. I had a permanent job, a lovely home, a fun witty husband, an adorable dog, maybe two at the
time, looked healthy … not like I was homeless or there’s no one in my life. I suspect I’m not
alone in looking like I’ve got it handled but inside I may’ve been screaming for help. Like most of us, I’ve experienced
a fair share of life’s ups and downs, which can only be character building! I’ve also had physical health
challenges and sometimes they were a bit scary.
.So I may have some idea as to how life is for you
Thankfully, our body’s natural state is to constantly heal itself
so we have a head start …IT WANTS TO FEEL GREAT!
What I LOVE about BodyTalk is that it’s a truly holistic natural safe healing system.
It gathers up your whole life! It gently addresses all that which continues to have a
negative impact on you, from yesterday, today, even the worries of tomorrow!
Healing happens throughout our many layers (multitudes of impacts) and at all levels e.g. from the
more subtle mental/emotional/spiritual to the dense physical i.e. our body.
,As the beautiful emotional beings that we are …
sometimes we can be our own undoing. We unwittingly hang on to that grief, anger, frustration, or
how about fear?! These emotions don’t serve us well and they tend to get lodged in our bodies, causing
a sore back, depression, stomach aches, illness etc, you name it.
I wish I’d listened to my gut/intuition more and less of my head …
I was stressed unnecessarily.
Admittedly stress can be a great motivator but it’s the ignored or mismanaged stress that’s so damaging.
Now, I can confidently say that I stand much stronger in my space and my life is a far cry from my
past, as I find increasing levels of pleasure, joy and richness in my life.
I find BodyTalk fascinating due to its encapsulation of many other modalities, it’s
recognition of applied quantum physics and much more.
No surprises that it is at the cutting edge of healthcare, reinforced by the scientific community.
Although initially created for personal development, due to unexpected improvements in other areas of
health, it has evolved into a truly holistic healthcare system.
As Dr Bruce Lipton, PhD (author of The Biology of Belief) says
“if we change our perceptions we change our physiology.
I’d rather change my perceptions than to take a drug and change my chemistry.”
Bruce Lipton endorses BodyTalk.
I invite you to do your own research, although I’ve made it relatively easy for you as there is a lot
of information within this website. I have also provided links to our international
BodyTalk Association. You’ll also notice my Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) tab.
BodyTalk is a stand alone therapy
but also supports other modalities for more rapid results.
As you visit my Dogs and Us pages, if it’s not already so, please read as if I am referring to either
you or your animal friend if you have one as I am also a …
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Please invite me to help your animal companion.
Healing can cross between you and your animal. One helps the other.
Di Scurr
BodyTalk Practitioner
Pyes Pa, Tauranga, New Zealand