Struggling to Get Better?
Not their Normal Happy Self?
Feeling at a loss as to what is truly going on for your best mate?
Maybe you’ve tried other remedies or have been to your favourite vet.
For brief list of health issues
Your heart may be heavy
I am a qualified BodyTalk for Animals Practitioner
BodyTalk has a reputation for
quicker results with animals
due to not having the mental and/or emotional baggage like us!
Maybe they’re trying to tell you
something and you’re not getting it?
Do you need to take greater care of yourself?
Are they reflecting something back to you?
This can be a shared journey.
Transformation for you both.
I have a peaceful cabin amongst trees and bird life, where you can both come. If this isn’t suitable we can arrange something else.
Gentle and safe techniques are used within the session to balance the body and promote self-healing.
A wide range of factors have the potential to arise, from musculo-skeletal imbalances to a scarey thunderstorm experienced years ago that is still impacting negatively in some way.
What could you expect?
Behavioural changes, a lift in spirits, physical improvements such as less or no pain, ultimately there is the potential for the clearing of symptoms and removal of the issue.
Thankfully the body’s natural state is to constantly heal itself
What I LOVE about BodyTalk is that it’s a truly holistic natural safe healing system.
It gently and safely addresses that which has a negative impact.
Healing happens throughout many layers (multitudes of impacts) and at many levels e.g. from the
more subtle mental/emotional/spiritual to the dense physical i.e. the body.
I find BodyTalk fascinating due to its encapsulation of many other modalities,
its recognition of applied quantum physics and much more.
No surprises that it is at the cutting edge of healthcare, reinforced by the scientific community.
I invite you to do your own research, although I’ve made it relatively easy for you as there is
a lot of information within this website. I have also provided a link below to our International
BodyTalk Association. You’ll also notice my Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) tab.
Any further questions, please do ask.
BodyTalk is a stand alone therapy
but also supports other modalities for more rapid results.
As you visit my Dogs and Us pages, if it’s not already so, please read as if I am
referring to either you or your animal friend
Healing can occur between you and your animal. One helps the other.
During 2011-2013 (as I was studying BodyTalk), my dogs Louie and Minke suffered from what appeared to be inflammation of the skin.
It didn’t seem to matter what I was providing for them, they just didn’t seem to improve. This included what I and the holistic vet thought was an excellent diet of raw meat (as less inflammatory as possible and green tripe etc), bones, eggs, kelp, supplements etc, it just felt like we weren’t getting anywhere.
They were scratching, sad, inflamed. I felt exhausted (and I’m sure they were too!)
I was often tearful by their distress.
Slowly through further supplementation, continued holistic and orthodox veterinary health care, awesome guidance from Faye Rogers, New Zealand Animal Communicator and latterly BodyTalk, their coats, skin and happiness-factor all started to improve.
Unfortunately, as they were already senior dogs when they became unwell (which for Louie, he was also diagnosed with cancer during this time 🙁 ), this coincided with the end of their lifetimes.
I have since learned their breed and the humidity in the Bay of Plenty may also have been against them.
It’s the experience above, and the deep love felt for them during their lives, (not to mention the huge grief upon them passing!), that inspires me to want to do what I can to reduce or eliminate suffering for animals.
To also be a part of the end-of-lifetime phase to provide further comfort, peace and ease which I know BodyTalk is able to provide.
In January 2018 I completed a ‘Certificate in Raw Dog Food Nutrition Specialist’ online course from Dogs Naturally in Canada and have been feeding our dogs a fresh raw diet since about 2000. With this knowledge and experience I am happy to talk with you or refer you to more qualified people; there are also some very in-depth websites that are very helpful which can be found via my Resources & Articles tab.
Di Scurr
BodyTalk Practitioner
Pyes Pa, Tauranga
New Zealand