Caring for Yourself to Support Your Dog’s Wellbeing
Tai Chi QiGong Shibashi 18 movements – a very relaxing and peaceful exercise
Favourite Doggie Sites – Covering Raw Feeding, Health and Wellbeing
Perfectly Rawsome and Fb page loads of raw feeding info for dogs including specifics for puppies
The Raw Feeding Community – Official
Raw Feeding Advice and Support and their page on calcium to phosphorus ratio
Raw Feeding Advice and Support Feeding Raw Meaty Bones page
Dr Karen Becker also here at Mercola Pets
Dogs Naturally Magazine (loads of information on dogs, including online courses – nutrition, homeopathy, raw feeding etc)
Dr Sophia Yin (the late, but amazing animal behaviourist), website is still being managed.
Catherine Lane, The Possible Canine (includes online courses – nutrition and herbalism for dogs)
The Truth About Pet Cancer (video series to purchase) with Ty and Charlene Bollinger who are globals leaders in The Truth About Cancer and Fb page
AdoredBeast with Julie Anne Lee
Keep the Tail Wagging with Kimberly Gauthier
HealthySkin4Dogs by veterinary dermatologists (& Facts/Myths about yeast dermatitis in dogs)
Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio – raw feeding for dogs
Feed Thy Dog Homemade recipe formulations, analysis, and support.
Sacred Death Care Learn soul-healing practices for the living, the dying, and the dead. Transform your relationship with death and with life.
Beloved Pet Furniture Offers affordable dog and cat furniture e.g. ramps, crates, stairs including custom made options from New Zealand.
The TLC Your Pet Yearns for During Her Last Weeks and Days on Earth presented by Dr Karen Becker, of
Do you require calming / sleeping music for your animal friend to comfort them while you are away from home or to help them through frightening noise like a thunderstorm or fireworks? Just google and you’ll find some very therapeutic music especially for these times. Providing a safe hideaway could also be helpful while you remain calm and in control so they may feel safe with you.
Emergency Pages
Emergency Disaster Preparation for your Dog
Books You May Enjoy
Ruined by Excess, Perfected by Lack, the paradox of pet nutrition, Richard S Patton
Canine Nutrigenomics, W Jean Dodd
Four Paws, Five Directions, Cheryl Schwartz, DVM
Heart to Heart, Pea Horsley
Animal Talk, Penelope Smith
Animal Businesses
No financial interests here…just good old fashioned support of people and businesses I care about
Out of the Wild raw dog food in New Zealand
Pet Essentials raw dog food in New Zealand
Raw Essentials raw dog food in New Zealand
Beloved Pet Furniture Our pet furniture is all made by hand using only tools and manual labour. There is a huge focus on care and delivering the best products—the perfect design, the correct fit, the right colour, the best materials. Each of our products is unique because they are all different; this is the real beauty and value of being handmade. Your pet’s furniture is made just for you and your beloved furry friend. Faye Rogers – Animal Communicator, Energy Healer, Teacher, Writer and Visionary Tuatara Design – Website creation, support, hosting etc