Client Feedback

Study of: 5 dogs (+ 1 cat!) with long-term skin issues 

who have received BodyTalk from Dec 2016 and continuing

BodyTalk offers a whole mind-body balance to

support a fuller healing experience

  • Cody is doing well no asthma attacks and Ben always struggles with lethargy but his mood seems more balanced he still has major ear infections at the moment but they are a bit better and no new hot-spots so that’s good
  • It’s all very interesting
  • Definitely key words and body parts stand out for Ben
  • Definitely spine ( he has arthritis)
  • Anything to do with Cody and lungs make perfect sense
  • The suspected fungal growth on her nose appears to be healing. She scraped the top off a few times out on walks so now just waiting for the hair to grow back.
  • I also have to mention his fur seems to be growing back so that is great
  • Anything to do with the bronchioles makes perfect sense with Cody given all his bronchitis troubles.
Feedback receiving BodyTalk for Chronic Skin Issues